Nature Nurture: Preserving our Plenty

Our friend Robin Cushman graciously allowed us to share this announcement for her upcoming show and invitation to the opening!  This new "stained glass" photo at left is gorgeous, and we can't wait to see more....

We'll let Robin take it from here:

Dear gardening friends, Below is an invitation to my solo show at the David Joyce Gallery at LCC. I hope you can drop by for the festivities. The show is up now and will be through the summer. Susan Detroy curated the show and the LCC culinary arts department will provide hors d'oeuvres.

The opening coincides with the "100-mile Meal" put on by culinary arts students. All the foods come from within 100 miles, some from their own LCC Learning Garden [Mosaic note: a member of the culinary school faculty shared that the students did such a great job sourcing ingredients for the meal, that all ingredients actually come from within *30* miles - wow!]. They felt my work would complement the theme, as all the images are from the bountiful Willamette Valley.

In addition to my garden/farm/market photos, I am exploring two new areas of foods – produce revealing more through being back-lit (think stained glass) and a series of "frisky fruits and voluptuous vegetables."

Hope you can attend the opening & show. Please invite your friends – Robin

