Japanese Maple Sale at Baltzer's!

We've got so much good news for gardeners these days!  Our friends Bob and Nancy Baltzer, of Baltzer's Specialized Nursery are having a sale on their gorgeous specimen maples.  All non lace leaf maples in 20 gallon or larger containers are on sale for at least $25 off and some are marked down to $75!  Bob and Nancy grow a wider variety of maples than anyone we know, and they care for them beautifully.  Aside from maples, the Baltzers also carry  wonderful, unusual conifers and some interesting garden features.  Their nursery is one of our area's little known treasures, and well worth the short drive to Pleasant Hill.

Baltzer's is open Friday - Monday, 10am - 5pm (closed Tuesday-Thursday)

36011 Highway 58 Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 541-747-5604