More Dirt on our Gardens!

(The excellent Sunset Fresh Dirt blog is, unfortunately, no more.  Apologies for the broken links.)

While we've been working away in Salem, of all places, two more of our gardens have put in an appearance on Sunset's Fresh Dirt!  These shady gardens are just a short hop apart in the Fairmount neighborhood, but they have dramatically different styles.

A post featuring the entry of the Summit garden includes some of Buell's terrific photos.  You may remember that space from our earlier post here.  It's an evolving space that will be open for the first time on next spring's Hardy Plant Study Weekend tour.

Another fabulous post about a garden shared by neighboring families, the Englishes and the Bascoms, highlights a young and very successful space in the Fairmount neighborhood.

There's more to share in each of these gardens, so you can expect to see and learn more in future posts!  For now, we're back to stonework in Salem and creating a wonderful new garden that we hope to show you when it's finished and a little filled in.